Madness project nexus 2 arena help
Madness project nexus 2 arena help

madness project nexus 2 arena help

This will lessen any oncoming melee damage. By holding down right mouse button, your character will block. – Blocking: Blocking is a great idea if you want to escape stunlocks as well as avoid damage.

madness project nexus 2 arena help

Heavy attacking with two weapons will also allow you to cover more surface area. Dual wielding tends to result in you doing less damage, but you attack much faster.

madness project nexus 2 arena help

To put a weapon into your offhand, press right click on a weapon on the ground. This will highlight any weapons on the ground. – Dual Wielding: To dual wield weapons, pick up a weapon into your hand and then hold the Q key. Keep this in mind while using your unarmed attacks. Heavy attacks are capable of critical hits as well, but much less likely. Light attacks are most likely to deal critical hits, due to skills involving timing your LMB press just before you strike an enemy. Critical hits double your damage as well as your combo meter, allowing you to do more damage. – Critical Hits: You may notice while fighting enemies, flashes of light will appear followed by a sound effect. Certain characters have special charge attacks, but we’ll get into that later. Stage 2 is a spin attack that will hit enemies surrounding you and also send them flying. Your charge attack has two stages, stage 1 will allow you to do a heavy sweep in front of you that will decimate any any foes caught in the way. Hold down lmb and charge your attack, to unleash the attack, simply release the LMB. – Charge Attack: Similar to the heavy attack, charge attacks can hit multiple enemies and be used for crowd control. Heavy attacks are also ideal against heavily armored enemies, as light attacking them won’t do much damage and you’ll be there all day. This makes melee weapons a fantastic crowd control device, allowing you to kill multiple enemies in single strikes. Heavy attacks do extra damage and are also able to hit multiple targets at the same time. – Heavy Attack: The heavy attack is one of your most useful and reliable abilities in this game. It’s always a good idea to stunlock a dangerous enemy and prevent them from attacking for as long as possible. These attacks are very fast but don’t do as much damage, these attacks are primarily used for single targets and initiating stunlocks. Light attacks can be performed with any melee weapon as well as your hands. Press the left mouse button and your character will perform it. – Basic/Light attack: This attack is your most basic one. Sometimes it’s viable to evade enemies and wait for your corpus to regenerate before entering the fight again.

madness project nexus 2 arena help

Your corpus, if not broken, can replenish any hits it has taken if you go long enough without taking damage. Breaking a corpus will immediately ragdoll you and give you a small boost to your tac bar. Each block of corpus you have has a limited amount of damage it can take before it breaks. Corpus works a little differently than most health bars. By default, most characters start with 3 corpus. First, we’ll cover abilities that every character has that will help you through the whole game.

Madness project nexus 2 arena help how to#

Knowing how to control your character and use all their abilities to your advantage will give you a huge step up when it comes to general gameplay.

Madness project nexus 2 arena help